viernes, 30 de agosto de 2013

About me

My name is Marcela Aguirre i am from Mexico, and now i'm based in France i work Angel Therapy, Akashic Record Readings (ARCI), Bach Flower therapy, Massage, Atlante Massage, Reiki, and Angelic Reiki, as well i practice Angel meditations for groups, Angel courses for adults & children, bach flower and mandala courses.

When i was a kid i always dreamed of helping other people, so i went to study medicine, but i couldn't find what i was looking there, so i change my career to advertising, i worked some years in that field but always nostalgic because i couldn't find my self in it, so the adventure began, knowing my self and understanding what i wanted to do in life, and my Angels, guides and masters helped me to find my self and to find my way of working and living, all the therapies i'm working with i have tried it in my self and i've experienced a beautiful travel, i hope i can share it with you.

My contact for appointments and commentaries:

0608729108 phone 

Roz Landrieux, France

Thanks for visiting my space i hope you like it.

Acerca de mí

Me llamo Marcela Aguirre, soy Angeloterapeuta, Lectora de Registros Akásicos (ARCI), Terapeuta floral- Flores de Bach, Rosas, California y Adicciones, Terapeuta en masaje, practicante de Masaje Atlante, soy Reiki Master y también trabajo con Reiki Angélico.

Compartiendo mi misión de vida con amor me dedico a enseñar y trabajar las terapias que me han ayudado en mi camino personal de vida, espero poder compartir contigo lo que ilumina mis días.

Mi contacto para citas y comentarios es:

0608729108 phone 

Roz Landrieux, Francia
Gracias por visitar este espacio, espero que te sirva y sea de tu agrado.